“we Have Already Seen The Business Community Step Up And Do Business-to-business Outreach,” He Said.
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Several corporations have set an example of what partnerships with City Colleges can look like, though the number of students served so far remains small. Aon and Accenture, early partners of City Colleges, last year each announced plans to hire 25 apprentices every year for the next several years, and they have collaborated on an initiative to get other employers on board. Walgreens in January announced an employment initiative targeting unemployed and underemployed youth that includes helping pay tuition for an associate’s degree at Harold Washington College, one of the seven colleges in the City Colleges system. PepsiCo in March announced it would provide 40 job offers annually to Chicago City Colleges students for “roles in career paths that lead to management, including as merchandisers, warehouse personnel, commercial truck drivers or machine maintenance technicians and mechanics.” The partnership includes specific training while they are in school. United Airlines last month announced a partnership with City Colleges and Year Up, a nonprofit that helps prepare young people for the workforce, that includes a $1 million grant and 22 internship slots. The challenge will be making those opportunities available to thousands of students, but Salgado said he believes the corporate interest is there. “We have already seen the business community step up and do business-to-business outreach,” he said. His organization is building an infrastructure so that it can efficiently devise the appropriate partnership with businesses that agree to participate. The idea is that many small initiatives will add up to hit the 50 percent goal. “We have enough people in enough important places, and the mindset of the city is in a moment where this is imminently achievable,” Salgado said. Davis Jenkins, senior research scholar at the Community College Research Center at Columbia University , said combining work experience with education is increasingly important if students are going to land good jobs.
For the original version including any supplementary images or video, visit http://www.chicagotribune.com/business/ct-biz-community-college-internships-0622-story.html

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